Thursday, October 31, 2019

COURSE WORK. OIL AND GAS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

COURSE WORK. OIL AND GAS - Assignment Example Esso, Exxon and Mobil are the brands in which the company uses to consolidate the market. These are energy products used in the petrochemical industry, lubrication and transport industry, and companies that require petroleum energy to drive their production (Coll 2012, Abreu 2010 and Choi, 2008). This paper is a report on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that face the company. It provides a critical evaluation of the above elements of the company, and where possible, this paper gives examples, and explains them. The main aim of this analysis is to predict the future potential of the weakness, and advice investors on whether it is wise to invest in this company. The importance of this SWOT analysis is to identify whether it is a wise venture to invest in ExxonMobil. To effectively explain the strengths of the organization, this paper highlights the following issues in regard to ExxonMobil, its position as the most dominant player in its field of operation, and its varied sources of revenue. This paper recognizes the company’s stable economic performance as one of its strengths. This paper identifies and explains the following as the weaknesses of the organization, excessive legal proceedings, employee instability, and a week upstream performance in the United States economy, and its association with dictatorial regimes in African countries such as Chad. It identifies the opportunities of this company as, emerging markets for energy in china, an increase for the demand of liquefied gas, increase in profitability due to its extensive base, among others. In identifying and describing the threats the organization faces, this paper focuses on the economic recession in United States of America and Europe, piracy and terror threats, and laws regulating the environment. This paper has a conclusion, and it is an analysis of the various described, and it gives a recommendation on whether investing in the company is

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

In terms of Human Rights, how revolutionary was the French Revolution Essay

In terms of Human Rights, how revolutionary was the French Revolution - Essay Example Most of these events have had momentous effects on human rights, especially as most of these events have involved bloodshed and violence. One of these events is the French Revolution. The French Revolution from 1789 to 1799 was a period of political and social change in France and in the rest of Europe. Its causes and its eventual results became a turning point in the clamour for better human rights in France and Europe. This paper shall now discuss the statement: in terms of human rights, how revolutionary was the French Revolution. It shall start with an overview of the French Revolution, and then it shall specifically discuss the impact of the war in terms of securing and protecting human rights. It will end with summary and concluding remarks. This essay is being carried out in order to establish a clear and comprehensive discussion of human rights evolution and how events in history have impacted on its formulation. Body Overview of the French Revolution The French Revolution wa s launched in 1789 after the convocation of the Estates-General. Initially, members of the Third Estate proclaimed the Tennis Court Oath in June of 1789; this was followed by the assault on the Bastille, later, by the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, and then, the march on Versailles which pushed the royal court into Paris by October 1789 (Doyle, 2003). In the years that followed, tensions rose between the liberal assemblies and the right wing monarchy; these were parties which were bent on preventing any major reforms from being passed (Doyle, 2003). In 1792, a republic was established and a year later King Louis XVI was executed. The French Revolutionary Wars were initiated in 1792; and it led to French victories which ensured the domination of the Italian Peninsula, the Low Countries and some of the western territories of the Rhine (Doyle, 2003). For a long while, these territories were elusive to the previous French regimes. Various causes and complaints led to the revolution, eventually leading to the rise of Robespierre and the Jacobins, as well as the dominance of the Committee of Public Safety in their Reign of Terror from 1793 to 1793 where thousands were killed (Doyle, 2001). As the Jacobins lost their power and Robespierre was executed, the Directory gained control of France in 1795 until 1799, when Napoleon Bonaparte took over. At the end of the Napoleonic Wars and his First Empire, an absolute monarchy was established; two smaller revolutions were later successfully launched and in the years following, France was again governed by regime changes (Doyle, 2001). The modern age followed in the wake of the French Revolution, and the emergence of the republics, as well as the liberal governments, the birth of secularism, the establishment of modern ideals, and the launching of total war were events which dominated the era of the French revolution (Doyle, 2001). Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen The French Revolutio n also eventually led to the establishment of various human rights laws and policies; specifically, it led to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (Censer and Hunt, 2001). This declaration specified as universal the individual and the general rights of the realm estates. It is based on the concept of natural right, as well as universal rights which are valid at all times based on human nature and inherent human

Sunday, October 27, 2019

How The Media Influences Public Perceptions Media Essay

How The Media Influences Public Perceptions Media Essay 3.1 Introduction to the media The mass media is one of the most influential sources of providing news to members of the public. It also has a powerful impact on public perceptions of specific issues, for example sex offenders (Brayford Deering, 2012). In order for a story to enter any form of the mass media, it needs to meet certain newsworthy criteria to help media companies entice greater audiences, thus increasing overall profit (Galtung Ruge, 1965). Female sexual offending fulfils key aspects of newsworthy criteria. The cases covered tend to include elements of seriousness and negativity, which appeals to audiences (Greer, 2003). Child sexual offenders have long received much negative coverage by the mass media, causing a topic for public debate (Kitzinger, 2004).This chapter focuses on how the media represents FCSOs, with particular reference to the Vanessa George case, and examines how it can influence public perception of FCSOs. It is important to note that most academic research involving child sexual o ffenders, and also the media, focus on sexual offenders in general rather than specifically FCSOs. Therefore this chapter bases its conclusions on the limited research available. Another important issue to consider is that the media provides conflicting representations of women as offenders, in particular FCSOs. On the one hand, female offenders, like Myra Hindley, who receive large amounts of media attention, are demonised, but on the other hand, many other FCSOs go unnoticed in the media due to the traditional concepts of femininity (Giguere Bumby, 2007). These contradictions are often mirrored in public reactions, creating complications. The challenges in understanding representations of FCSOs are explored during the course of the chapter. How the media influences public perceptions of FCSOs The hypodermic syringe model is a theory which describes the media like a drug, injecting opinions directly into the minds of readers (Kitzinger, 2004). This is one way of understanding the effect of the media on public perceptions of FCSOs. It can produce a powerful effect, as the emotion produced by these offences could be why the media choose to report on them. Reports may cause outbursts of street anger and violence, stemming from moral panic, creating hysteria among the public (Thomas, 2005; Cohen, 1972). This is evident in the case of nursery worker Vanessa George (BBC, 2009) who abused children in her care. The media coverage of this case may have made the public start to look at women, particularly those working with children, in a different light, with the same suspicion as men. However, evidence suggests that this has only been provoked by the rare number of FCSO cases actually reported on, as most of the time society has a blind spot regarding female-perpetrated sexual abu se (Tsopelas et al., 2012). This is due to the care-giving roles which females are expected to hold towards children (Finkelhor et al., 1988), which are habitually represented in various forms of the media: films, news reports, TV, etc. It could be argued that, depending on which particular ideology the media decides to report on with regards to FCSOs, their portrayal will have a significant impact on how society views them. This illustrates the complications created by the media, providing contradictory perceptions of FSCOs, causing confusion as to how the public should perceive them. The media uses tactics such as emotive language and imagery to influence how the public view certain criminals. One example is the use of the iconic image of Myra Hindley within media reports. The picture showed her as emotionless and cold, making her seem masculine (see appendix 1). Being such a powerful and well-known case, it also shaped how society imagines FCSOs to look (Kitzinger, 2004). Even though this was proved to be a co-offending case, it showed how society views any female involved in such crimes as going against the traditional gender model of women. This relates to the theory used by many feminists who argue that such women are regarded as double deviant, and receive harsher treatment by society, as they not only breach the law, but also break feminine norms (Heidensohn, 1987). Applying this theory, FCSOs may be regarded as the worst form of criminals, due to the seriousness of their offences. This could explain why they receive such negative portrayals within the medi a. However, a counter-argument is that females involved in child sexual offending may be viewed by the public as harmless, and their involvement is not perceived as a form of abuse. If the media do not themselves believe that female-perpetrated sexual abuse is a problem within society, they can hardly provide such negative representation with impunity. This is supported by Denov (2003), who states that the public perceive FCSOs as committing less serious offences than male sexual offenders, due to the common belief that women cannot be capable of committing such crimes. Thus, it appears that the media is likely to hold similar views in order to serve the interests of the public, and focuses attention primarily on issues involving male sexual offenders. There is strong evidence to suggest that FCSOs are treated as double deviant, although some theorists would refute this, with the rationale that they are perceived as less serious criminals than their male counterparts. However, when considering examples such as Myra Hindley, that would appear to be a false supposition. Media representations of FCSOs Historically, FCSOs have rarely been reported on by the media. This may be due to the myth that abuse by a female is seen as a confused form of love (Gannon Cortoni, 2010: 13), and suggests that even if women do sexually abuse children, it is in a less aggressive manner than male sexual offenders, and may not necessarily inflict damage on a child. The media is unlikely to report on these cases, as they do not fit newsworthy criteria discussed earlier. This could be why the public generally has a lack of knowledge concerning issues surrounding female child sexual offending. As Strickland (2008) argues, men are traditionally viewed as having more aggressive personalities, and are more likely to commit criminal offences. Consequently, it can be argued that these stereotypes make it easy for the media to report on issues and cases linked to them. Moreover, the lack of reports on FCSOs could explain the reason for the lack of disclosure by their victims (Denov, 2003). This is discussed i n Chapter 5. As indicated in Chapter 1, any abuse committed by females is usually referred to in the media as a relationship or affair (Tsopelas et al., 2012: 306) compared with when the perpetrator is a man, in which case the reporters often refer to them as abusers, again resulting in lack of reports on cases perpetrated by females. This encourages academics to ask the question of whether female-perpetrated child sexual abuse is under-reported, due to the above reasons, or if it is so uncommon that there are not enough cases for the media to actually report on. Nowadays increasing knowledge and awareness about issues of female child sexual offending has roused strong societal reactions, resulting in increased coverage in the media. Newspapers frequently portray FCSOs as evil monsters (Gakhal Brown, 2011). This shows a dramatic change from when they were largely ignored in the media, or seen to be coerced into abuse by a male, and has given society a new perspective on the problem. One of the most dramatic cases with wide media coverage was that of Vanessa George. A mother of two, she worked at a nursery in Plymouth. In December 2009 she was convicted of sexual assault, and the making of and being in possession of/distributing indecent images of children, and was given an indeterminate prison sentence with a minimum requirement of seven years. In November 2010, a serious case review was conducted (PSCB, 2010), and it was discovered that the nursery provided an ideal environment for the abuse to be carried out. It found that certain gaps wit hin the system allowed George to commit these offences, such as the nurserys phone line being out of order, allowing workers to bring their own mobile phones in for emergencies. This presented George with an opportunity to take indecent images of children on her mobile. Yet the media reports paid little attention to these mistakes, focusing primarily on her abusive behaviour. It was also discovered during the investigation that she was an active part of a co-offending group, initiated by a male perpetrator, Colin Blanchard, and yet interestingly, the media attention focused primarily on George. In the serious case review, it was noted that she had no previous convictions, the abuse only starting when she came into contact with Blanchard over the internet. George was manipulated into committing abuse and sharing images with him. These facts were, however, expressed in a completely different manner throughout the media reporting on the case. This warrants further examination, by analy sing reports from various media sources. Analysis of the media reports on the Vanessa George case Chapter 1 indicated that there is substantial evidence to suggest that many FCSOs are regarded as harmless because they may only target adolescent victims (Mathews et al., 1989). However, this is not applicable in the case of Vanessa George (BBC News, 2010). The media coverage generally concerning this case highlighted the serious issues surrounding female-perpetrated sexual abuse in the UK, different media types reporting in diverse ways. In order to understand how the media represents FCSOs, a comparison needs to be made between the various media types, using a critical discourse analysis. There are many definitions of critical discourse analysis, but, within this dissertation it is referred to as the analysis of language used in speech and writing within media reports as a form of social practice, where specific ideologies are reproduced through the language in the texts (Wodak Meyer, 2009). This method is appropriate here, enabling analysis of the language used by the media wh en reporting on FCSOs, and uncovering the hidden ideologies in the text which are used to change the readers opinion on the issue of female sexual offending. It is also important to look at the discursive construction of FCSOs, which refers to the way in which the women are defined through the language used in media reports, and how these construct FCSOs as a concept. Almost every article written about FCSOs can be analysed using critical discourse analysis, reporters being required to make certain decisions as to how they want to represent particular ideologies in their article, e.g. the terms they use to describe an FCSO, or which quotes to use from members of the public. These can add to the way the ideology in the text is portrayed overall, and thus how it affects society as a whole (Richardson, 2007). The three main articles analysed were drawn from different news outlets which hold conflicting ideological stances. Firstly, Public enemy number one was taken from The Sun (Coles, 2011), a newspaper which represents right-wing principles. Secondly, Vanessa George jailed for child sex abuse was extracted from The Guardian (Morris, 2009) which expresses mostly liberal interests. Finally, Little Teds was ideal place for Vanessa George abuse was traced from BBC News (2010b), which is commonly known to represent a centrism approach to reporting. The Sun, known for its exaggeration of the truth in order to attract the attention of more readers, reported on the case of George as one that caused so much outrage and shock that the police needed to step in to stop the abuse aimed at her by the public. The way the article presented these dramatic views is interesting for critical discourse analysis. It was outwardly biased, presenting only the feelings expressed by parents of possible victims, rather than facts of the case. Therefore the analysis made could support the theory that the facts of the case are spun to present a particular viewpoint here, that FCSOs are extremely disturbing to society and uses particular language aimed to influence readers into holding the same opinions. This is evident in the following quotes: Public enemy number one, Sick b****, The van taking Vanessa George to prison is attacked (see appendix 2 for more examples). The above quotes use emotive language to express the disgust and anger felt by the p ublic. These quotes are used to align the public voice to that of the reporters, obscuring the ideological underpinnings of the article. This supports Gakhal Browns (2011: 3) argument that the media provides stereotypical portrayals of sex offenders in general, using words linked with monsters and evil perverts. Moreover, this choice of language helped provide a negative perception of FCSOs. The fact that the reporter purposely used a collective noun in the article title Public enemy number one- suggests that the paper was implying that George was hated by all members of the public, and that readers should share these feelings. The fact that the article concentrated on quotes and opinions of parents involved in the case shows how the reporter wanted to present only one ideological viewpoint. Furthermore, it can be argued that this negative portrayal of George, an FCSO, by the media reinforces the argument previously put forward regarding female offenders as displaying double devia nce (Heidensohn, 1987). On the other hand, the article in The Guardian expressed a more balanced stance, presenting the audience with facts of the case. The image of George used by the reporter shows her as a smiling, friendly character. This could be aiming to send out a message that, unlike the stereotypical image of most sexual offenders, an FCSO can be any ordinary woman. Perhaps, because such cases are so uncommon, there is so far no stereotype of an FCSO. Thus, it appears that the media can play on the fear of the public, to make them wary of whom they trust for childcare. Furthermore, its choice of image shows how George was part of a co-offending group (see appendix 3), and although she solely committed the abuse in Little Teds nursery, she was in fact in contact with two others, one of whom (Blanchard), was coercing her to commit the offences. The article reported that George was besotted with him. This both presents FCSOs in a negative light, and provides a more nuanced understanding of the case, constructing her as submissive, under the control of Blanchard. It also covers other issues faced by society, for example the influence male sexual offenders can have on females, forcing them to also commit sexual offences. However, when analysing this article, it can be argued that the reporter was somewhat biased, using post-modified terms such as paedophile, which disguises the fact that the choice to commit these crimes is not just down to sexual preference, but is a way in which an offender exploits and holds power over children (Kelly, 1998). It also links to the same ideology presented in The Sun, by describing George in a negative light: Cold and calculating. These quotes, however, came from the judge in charge of the case, possibly a more reliable source to reproduce the ideologies through language than that used by The Sun. The way in which The Guardian presented a balanced stance is arguably similar to how the BBC reported on the case of George. They provided the facts of the case and referred to the serious case review (discussed earlier), as well as other reliable sources, such as the councillor for Plymouths Efford and Lipson ward, in order to fulfil their reputation of being a dependable source. When analysing this article, it is clear that the ideology behind it is to provide the public with the facts, whilst preventing moral panic, by reporting on the positive responses of professionals towards the case. The reporter used passive verbs, such as reassured (see appendix 4 for more examples), and quotations from Ofsted Ofsted has already implemented a number of changes, to show the public that society can learn from the mistakes made in this case, and to prevent future similar cases. However, the BBC also used a disturbing criminal style image of George within this article, which imitated the report ing techniques used in the Myra Hindley case, reinforcing the stereotypical image of how an FCSO may appear (Kitzinger, 2004). Therefore, it could be argued that no matter what type of media outlet, there is always some form of bias in the way reporters present their ideology through the language and images they choose to use. Another observation made when analysing this article, is the sub-heading entitled Explicit culture, which went on to report on the co-offending details of the case. The fact that the reporter used a sub-heading, together with the chosen language, shows an attempt to make readers aware of the increasingly serious problem of co-offending child sexual offenders within society. This critical discourse analysis has identified the right wing (The Sun) constructions of FCSOs as aggressive, sick and evil, which relates to the theory of female offenders being double deviant. However, competing constructions with a different ideological base come from other media outlets such as The Guardian, constructing female sexual offending as a male-coerced crime. It is clear that different media types report in different ways: some use stereotyping FCSOs as a powerful influential tool, others are more objective in presenting the facts of the case. It should be recognised, however, that all have had an impact in raising awareness of new issues faced by society with regards to female sexual offending. Much work still needs to be done within all areas of the mass media, in order to educate reporters. When they provide representations of FCSOs, they should appreciate the gravity of the issues raised, and the traumatic results that articles can have on victims and members of th e public (Tsopelas et al., 2012). However, the primary aim of media companies is to sell more papers, so unfortunately they will continue to sensationalise articles to increase profits, using cases of female-perpetrated sexual offences to do so.

Friday, October 25, 2019

How to Rule the Airways Essay -- Papers

How to Rule the Airways Scriptwriting for radio is considered to be harder than scriptwriting for film and TV as the writers cannot use sight and must portray the story through sound and dialogue. In this short discussion I will be talking about the linguistic conventions and syntax and vocabulary also I will be discussing style and structure purpose and genre. The first thing is linguistic conventions this is basically the different types of ways they structure their sentences to make them sound good to the audience. 1.0Linguistic conventions: There are a lot of linguistic conventions in radio scripts and I will identify some of these now: 1.1Alliteration: Alliteration is using words with the same starting letters in a row to slow down or speed up the speech of the words spoken an example of this is peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper although there is some words in the middle of the sentence that do not start with the same letter, it does not matter as they are short and are joining words which are spoken so fast it does not matter that they are there. The example I have just written is the example of using alliteration to slow down speech if you can also use it to point out particular words and to make a point. 1.2Onomatopoeia: Onomatopoeia is used to replace sounds with words, where words are used instead of sounds like instead of a bee buzzing they would say buzz instead of a buzzing sound they use this in radio to either make a joke or to make you understand the sound that they are hearing. 1.3Oxymorons: Oxymoron’s are used in radio scripts sometimes to confuse or to amplify the meaning of words. ... to conform to their target audience so like a news broadcast would appeal to old people or middle aged people its purpose is to entertain their audience and they do this many different ways using many types of linguistic conventions mentioned above. 5.0 Genre: There are many different genres for radio scripts two of these are comedy and drama you do get others. These two types of genre are commonly used as that is what most people like to listen to on the radio another one is music as that is what the audience is attracted to. The Genres are different as there are different types of people who like different sorts of things so they can change the genre during the show from a comedy then to a drama to keep a wide range of listeners. bibliography

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Problem Review Set Capital Structure and Leverage Essay

Managerial Finance – Problem Review Set – Capital Structure and Leverage If a firm utilizes debt financing, an X% decline in earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) will result in a decline in earnings per share that is larger than X. True b. False 2) Firm A has a higher degree of business risk than Firm B. Firm A can offset this by using less financial leverage. Therefore, the variability of both firms’ expected EBITs could actually be identical. 3) It is possible that two firms could have identical financial and operating leverage, yet ave different degrees of risk as measured by the variability of EPS. ) Which of the following events is likely to encourage a company to raise its target debt ratio, other things held constant? An increase in the corporate tax rate. An increase in the personal tax rate. An increase in the company’s operating leverage. d. The Federal Reserve tightens interest rates in an effort to fight inflation. e. The company’s stock price hits a new high. 5) The firm’s target capital structure should be consistent with which of the following statements? Maximize the earnings per share (EPS). Minimize the cost of debt (rd). Obtain the highest possible bond rating. Minimize the cost of equity (rs). Minimize the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). 6) Which of the following statements isAs a firm increases the operating leverage used to produce a given quantity of output, this will normally lead to an increase in its fixed assets turnover ratio. b. normally lead toa decrease in its business risk. normally lead to a decrease in the standard deviation of its expected EBIT. d. ormally lead to a decrease in the variability of its expected EPS. e. ormally lead to a reduction in its fixed assets turnover ratio. 7) Reynolds Resorts is currently 100% equity financed. The CFO is considering a recapitalization plan under which the firm would issue long-term debt with a yield of 9% and use the proceeds to repurchase common stock. The recapitalization would not change the company’s total assets, nor would it affect the firm’s basic earning power, which is currently 15%. The CFO believes that this re capitalization would ikely to occur if the company goes ahead with the recapitalization plan?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

80s Fashion Essay

80s Fashion! For many, the 1980s was a great time. The creation of MTV revolutionised fashion, the music industry and even how we watched TV. But for others, it was nothing but bad hair, worse clothing and music often had more to do with machines than talent. The clothes worn in the 80s depicted people who were trying to find themselves. They looked fro ways to express their creativity and individuality.Men wore heavy make-up and grew long hair; for example David Bowie or Boy George. Whilst women wore layers of clothing and short hair cuts. The likes of Madonna and Cindy Lauper rocked this look. Both sexes were looking for an identity. Famous Fashion Trends In the 80s: New Romantic Look, Valley Girl, Power dressing, Leotards and Dance wear and Miami Vice Look were just a few famous trends that people in the eighties wore. New romantic Look:New Wave, New Romantic, and gothic fashion at this time was heavily influenced by punk fashion: the streaky eyeliner, the spiked hair, the outrage ous clothing, some of which derived from bondage wear and some of which (New Romantic) was a nod to long-gone eras. Power Dressing: Shoulder Pads, popularised by Joan Collins and Linda Evans from the soap Opera Dynasty, remained popular throughout the 1980s and even the first three years of the 1990s.The reason behind the sudden popularity of shoulder pads for women in the 1980s may be that women in the workplace were no longer unusual, and wanted to â€Å"power dress† to show that they were the equals of men at the office. Many women's outfits had velcro on the inside of the shoulder where various sized shoulder pads could be attached. Leotards and Dance wear: Leotards had been a fashion trend since the early 1970s, when were first used to add colour and texture under the â€Å"layered look† popular in the middle of that decade.By the end of the decade leotards made from shiny spandex had become the standard feminine fashion of the â€Å"disco era†, partly for their form-fitting quality and the fact that they allowed flexibility and ease of movement. With the arrival of the aerobics craze of the early 1980s the classic leotard moved from the dance floor to the gym, accompanied by matching tights, Leg warmers and elastic headbands. Leotards of the early 1980s boasted bright stripes, polka dots, and even elastic belts.