Friday, October 25, 2019

How to Rule the Airways Essay -- Papers

How to Rule the Airways Scriptwriting for radio is considered to be harder than scriptwriting for film and TV as the writers cannot use sight and must portray the story through sound and dialogue. In this short discussion I will be talking about the linguistic conventions and syntax and vocabulary also I will be discussing style and structure purpose and genre. The first thing is linguistic conventions this is basically the different types of ways they structure their sentences to make them sound good to the audience. 1.0Linguistic conventions: There are a lot of linguistic conventions in radio scripts and I will identify some of these now: 1.1Alliteration: Alliteration is using words with the same starting letters in a row to slow down or speed up the speech of the words spoken an example of this is peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper although there is some words in the middle of the sentence that do not start with the same letter, it does not matter as they are short and are joining words which are spoken so fast it does not matter that they are there. The example I have just written is the example of using alliteration to slow down speech if you can also use it to point out particular words and to make a point. 1.2Onomatopoeia: Onomatopoeia is used to replace sounds with words, where words are used instead of sounds like instead of a bee buzzing they would say buzz instead of a buzzing sound they use this in radio to either make a joke or to make you understand the sound that they are hearing. 1.3Oxymorons: Oxymoron’s are used in radio scripts sometimes to confuse or to amplify the meaning of words. ... to conform to their target audience so like a news broadcast would appeal to old people or middle aged people its purpose is to entertain their audience and they do this many different ways using many types of linguistic conventions mentioned above. 5.0 Genre: There are many different genres for radio scripts two of these are comedy and drama you do get others. These two types of genre are commonly used as that is what most people like to listen to on the radio another one is music as that is what the audience is attracted to. The Genres are different as there are different types of people who like different sorts of things so they can change the genre during the show from a comedy then to a drama to keep a wide range of listeners. bibliography

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